Monday, April 5, 2010

Been there, Done that? Part I

How do you make a game out of something that has never been made into a game? First you have look for some source material. One of the hardest things to do is to look for a subject, because you will keep looking and looking. This list will make you cry as will asking a well-read games lecturer. Avoid this, it is misleading and dumb.

Here's where I'm at with finding topics for the essay.

Der Ring des Nibelungen:
More info at Wikipedia

It's very tempting to do this one. It's got a lot dramatic elements and it falls neatly in the narrative structure, it's a story about heroes, gods, tragedy (bursts at the scenes) and love. It also has the added bonus of Viking Helmets, the big ladies who sing are bit of a downer, especially when you realise that interval is four hours away...

The biggest downer to this is - Odin Sphere. The more I remember the game, the more I realise that the Ring Saga has been made into a video game.

Ring Saga contains:
- Wotan (Odin)
- Valkyries
- Nibelungen (Magic Ring)
- Fighting over Magic Ring
- Dragon
- Orphaned hero in love with Valkyrie (who is also daughter of Wotan)
- Treachery
- Tragedy (Death)
- Götterdämmerung (Ragnarök - The Nordic End of the World)

Odin Sphere contains:
- Odin
- Valkyries
- Titrel (A magic ring)
- Fighting over magic ring
- Dragons (Bonus points if you find Wagner the Dragon an in-joke)
- Orphaned hero in love with Valkyrie (yes, who is the daughter of Odin)
- Treachery
- Tragedy (Death)
- Armageddon (End of the World)

How's that for derailment? I'm going to have to find me a new topic.

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