Monday, April 4, 2011

Wreckless Conduct: Hard Hat Area

What some people do not realise is that level and world building requires you to award yourself a faceted degree in architecture, urban planning and fun. If you observe the images below, you can be assured that I did not earn my degree.

Scribbles from my notebook:

On the left: What I had planned for the level
On the right: What the plan looks like when you realise the mini-map is orientated a particular way...
*Okay it's a seperate image because I forgot that no-one else will know how to read the damn thing. Yes, North is thataway:

The varying levels of brightness in these next shots relate to my using additional lighting in the scene so I could see what I was doing.

Timelapse screenshots:

Detail shots:

The pits are housed in little buildings of their own, I'd make the buildings high-risers but there are a few things about scale that need fixing.

Unintended driving in a city of giants. The map shouldn't be that big but it is.

To Do:
- Fix the entire world of Wreckless starting with pbcak and this little black duck
- Add in props (It's looking a little bare)
- Texture pedestrians
- Save the cheerleader, sorry the world. Like these fine, fine people. *
*That's the 90's BP logo right there, you might know it.

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