Monday, April 25, 2011

Wreckless Conduct: Prop Export Tool

My Export Tool has hit its final stage of development. I doubt I'm going to do more to it but suggestions are always welcome.

Here's a pictorial outline of how it works:

Important: This works best if you point the tool to a Custom Assets/Assets folder in your Unity project that should have folders for Models and Textures. I may look into adjusting it so you can just choose a project folder but that will depend on time constraints.

If you can see the tool, then you may notice the text boxes for Model and Texture Folders. They are default names but you can edit them as long as you remember to have a "/" at the front. Annoying but it's just the way I've set to code to deal with empty text boxes.

I've got a slight problem with importing to Unity and the generation of materials. If you look at the pictures below, it will generate a material from the imported texture file and import the Maya default lambert1. It's very likely I will need to play with Unity's Editor classes but we'll see how I go.

- Problems with exporting with/without the Collision node
- Hacky fixes for re-exporting and multiple Collision Nodes (you can have mulitiple Collision nodes but it ignore those nodes upon export)
- Collision volume names, it will now stop appending additional tags to the volumes' name

- Naming of multiple volumes, you can add the same tag to whatever's under your selection
- Folder Names as mentioned before
- Remove collision volumes from the Collision node

- You will need to assign another material to your object, Maya has a problem with renaming lambert1.
- It will still build an Export Node even if you haven't selected a mesh or when you exit out of the save dialog box. I may need to find a way to halt the procedure.

To Add:
- File Path refinement
- Extra pivot point options (maybe, I don't really need them but someone else might)

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