Saturday, June 12, 2010


When you get that new rush of enthusism that makes you want to go at super speeds, ride rainbows and take on the world? I get plenty of moments like that, sadly I run out of steam when I need it the most.

Here's some images from while I was learning the ins and outs of Actionscript. I'm still a long way from coding anything decent but I'm still naiive enough to believe that I'll be able to make a complete game.

During some irratic brainstorm of confusing cortex functions, I came up with the idea of a literal space opera game. Going with impulse ideas is sometimes a bad thing, you'll thank me when you've avoided crashing the space time continuim while trying to find a cure for the common cold by constructing a cat powered time machine.

Why Space + Opera sounded like a good idea is lost to me. I've been rolling the concept in my head for so long, I've forgotten all the good bits. It's really too early to have this grandoise ideas but it's hard to stop coming up with them.

Early concept art:

The original main character was going to be a conductor whose opera gets overrun by aliens. It didn't make much sense since an opera in space would naturally involve aliens. I remember thinking of a mechanic that involved using the conductor's baton to make platforms move up based on which way you moved it.

When people (or your teacher) says they like to shoot stuff, well you might just go with the flow. Don't do it all the time, suicide conga lines aren't fun. Even if they offer pina coladas.

The next interation of the hero was based on the typical "Buck Rogers" acetype. Big chin, big hair and a dislike against opera loving aliens.

Along the way this all got converted into a basic platformer. Designing levels is interesting but can also be frustrating. Like making puzzles.

Concept for the level design:
(I can't remember why he has a jetpack)

Attempt at designing a level.

Teaming up with people can lead to some interesting results, good and bad. The final prototype ended up having our hero blasting away cooties who'd come to eat this ship. One day I might make the original version, until then I'll just keep trying to get something done.

The character line up, cooties are on the far right:

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