Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Been there, Done that? Part IV

If you haven't watched Mythbusters, you're education needs some intense fixing. It's a show about "using elements of the scientific method to test the validity of rumors, myths, movie scenes, adages, Internet videos and news stories". There are many explosions to satisfy the punter.

Mythbusters on the Discovery Channel website has a few (web)games. These are:
- Myth or Fact (True & False quizzes based on a theme)
- The Myth Game (True & False quiz but with hangman element)
- Photo puzzles
- How's your Memory (Memory match)

Sadly these are really more about how much have you watched this show and how much random trivia(or fact) have you managed to absorb. Let's take a look at what you can do with the show or perhaps these games to make them better.

Mythbusters contains:
- Science
- Explosions
- Debunking (of myths, rumors and the internet)
- Hilarity (eyebrow html tags are funny)
- Factual knowledge (depending on what level your knowledge is)
- Robert Lee (You'll know it when you hear him)
- Guns
- Explosions! (it's on there twice because once you've exploded non-dairy creamer, there's no going back. Don't try it home, you will burn places down.)

  • Party Game
    Learning can be fun, but actually proving how smart you are against other people is better. Think Buzz but with much less stupid. Answer questions fast enough will earn more points

  • Party Mini-Games
    Not keen on answering questions, well how about participating in some Mythbuster themed Mini-Games? Suitable for the Wii, you can challenge friends or the computer to see who can explode or solve things faster. Eg. Shake the Wiimote enough times to drop the crash test dummy, aim and fire to try and blow up the car

  • Puzzle Action
    Scribblenauts style Mythbuster game where you solve myths by creating objects. The catch, you have a budget. If you can't afford the car for the dangerous stunt, what can you use instead?

  • Educational game
    Get the kids(or grownups) involved with a virtual Mythbusters lab. Here Jamie and Adam will assign them myths and they need to figure out to debunk them. Inventory system required.

  • Action
    If you're keen on explosions, how about a Mythbuster Explosion game. In the vein of Miami Shark, pick characters of the Mythbuster team to explode things in the pursuit of science!

Alternatively The Action Hero's Handbook is full of knowledge that can be put into a game.

Contains information on:
- How to perform a Vulcan neck grip
- Scoring with the ladies
- Jedi Mind tricks
- Communicating with aliens
- How to take bullets

You can also combine it with The Worse-Case Scenario Survival Handbook for added life lessons.

  • Sandbox
    The main character is a hero-for-hire who needs to undergo training using the Handbook as his guide. You could also use the guide as tutorial material or perhaps as missions that your character can take.
    Bonus Commando Expansion pack - where you can put your hero in worse case scenarios and they need to get out of.

  • Minesweeper
    A heroic clone of Minesweeper in a similar style to ClueSweeper where the player needs to find objects and methods to escape the "trap/situation"(board).

Ack, I'm running low on ideas. A regroup and assess is in order. Company fallout.

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