Monday, March 28, 2011

Wreckless Conduct: It's the Pits

One of the features of Wreckless is the machine pits, where players can get their vehicle repaired and reload their weapons. The money you earn racing can be used here especially if you or a competitor has totalled your car.

Development sketches and notes:

The old pits from the prototypes:

The current pits(still work in progress):
These pits are going to be inserted into buildings so you can get drive-thru service, oh the wonders of modern convenience. The name's not important but keep an eye out for the hazard stripes, they work like beacons.

Pit props/window dressing*:
* None of which actually operates, it's mise en scène/set design.

Shots of WIP versions of the hydraulic lift:

Stats of the current hydraulic lift:

This prop has a few problems like scale but these are going to get fixed soon. Sorry techno-nuts, it doesn't lift your car up. It's just window dressing.

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